Galapagos Islands weather may vary depending on the season. Have air temperature ranges from 75 (F) or higher in the rainy time (December-May) to the mid 60’s (F) during the dry period (June – November), with closely regular sea breezes.
The water temperature changes in 65 -75 degrees F from December through May and 60 – 70 (F) June through November.
Visibility is generally between 30 and 80 feet. Currents can range from 1 to 5 knots at the places where we do dive.
Most divers are complacent with a 7mm wetsuit from June to November, with a hooded vest and gloves and a minimum 5 mm wetsuit from December to May. Gloves and hood are energetically suggested in your scuba equipment.
The transfer of your dives will be done from small boats with an easy back to roll into the water.
For most SCUBA certification agencies, the minimum certifiable age for divers is 10 years. As a rule, the agencies regulate 10 and 11 years old to a maximum depth of 40 ft.
This itinerary offers no diving opportunities for depths less than 40 feet.
By this regulation, the minimum ages for diving are 15 years old.
To safeguards your security, we request the following to all divers:
Complete the form to request an inquierement